Sex Pheromone Lure for Monochamus Alternatus Insect Attractant for Pine SawyerThis attractant is for Monochamus alternatus, the Japanese pine sawyer.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Hyphantria Cunea Insect Attractant for Fall WebwormThis pheromone lure is for Hyphantria cunea, the fall webworm.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Dendrolimus Kikuchii Insect Attractant for Dendrolimus KikuchiiThis attractant is for Dendrolimus kikuchii.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Dendrolimus Punctatus Insect Attractant for Pine Caterpillar CatcherThis attractant is for Dendrolimus punctatus.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Dendrolimus Superans Insect Attractant for White-lined Silk MothThis attractant is for Dendrolimus superans, the white-lined silk moth.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Dendrolimus Spectabilis Insect Attractant for Pine MothThis attractant is for Dendrolimus spectabilis.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Dendrolimus Tabulaeformis Insect Attractant for Pine CaterpillarThis attractant is for Dendrolimus tabulaeformis, the Chinese pine moth.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Cydia Trasias Insect Attractant for Cydia TrasiasThis attractant is for Cydia trasias.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Paranthrene Tabaniformis Insect Attractant for Dusky Clearwing MothThis attractant is for Paranthrene tabaniformis, the dusky clearwing.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Sesia Siningensis Insect Attractant for Sesia SiningensisThis attractant is for Sesia siningensis.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Lymantria Dispar Insect Attractant for Gypsy MothThis attractant is for Lymantria dispar, the Gypsy moth.
Sex Pheromone Lure for Holcocerus Hippophaecolus Insect Attractant for Sandthorn CarpenterwormThis attractant is for Holcocerus hippophaecolus, the sandthorn carpenterworm.